Hey, this is my first time trying out this post thing. All I want to say is I am a long time user of Newgrounds and I've finally got aroung to becoming a member with the intention of trying become a writer for co-labs and stuff. Long-time dream of mine. I've always wanted to make flash videos, I just don't have the tech. Anyways, if you want to give me a test drive, thanks. I'm Patrick Brown and I will be happy to help. And no, I'm not the Australian photographer. We just happen to share the exact same name (we have the same middle name, Oran)
Oh, and another heads up, if you ever want cool batch files, I might be able to help you. I've been working from a high security computer at a college and sometimes to entertain myself, I do a bit of ameuater hacking. So, for flash vid script writing, or hacking into your mom's computer, I might be able to help. Unless you want something illegal. I don't do that.
Hank wuz here.
oh and hi.
nice pic